Goto Island

There was some kind of special reason for this trip... something about going to
a Rotary meeting and something with high school students... nobody was really sure
before or after we left. But it was a good weekend with nice weather and a nice
little Bed and Breakfast where you could hang out on the roof.

Cruisin' to Goto in style

"The Big Trip To Get A Drink And Bring More Chairs Onto The Roof"

Returning from our evening walk in... well, it's Goto, so, the country. Actually, if this were in Canada it wouldn't be the country at all! It's no big metropolis, but still. It's got a bigger population than Rothesay! But they hardly even have a convenience store. How does that work?

Now this is what a digital camera is for - blinding unsuspecting people with it's freakishly strong flash!

Ha ha! Got another one. (Or is she just drunk again!?)

(Just kidding, Mrs. Ireton, again)

Stealing a swim, despite the yells from Rotary. (Everybody got a perfectly legal swim later on at a much nicer beach, except Lars and I who went exploring on the rocks instead)

Does anybody else from back home think Regan (second from the left) looks like Dave Pearn in this picture?

It's Jesus! And he's saying Irasshai! I suppose that would be perfectly normal for Jesus to say at a church, but still, it was kind of funny.

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