Huis Ten Bosh

Pics from my trip to Huis Ten Bosh with Janelle. It's a big chunk of Holland halfway
accross the world. Or at least that's what it's supposed to be - I think your average chunk
of Holland wouldn't have quite so many amusment-park type attractions, but of course
I've never been there. They had a Canadian Fair at the World Bazaar which was just like a
gift shop in St. Andrews. Janelle tried to buy the sign that said "Canadian Fair" in Japanese
for me, but they didn't have any extras :(

Yes, yes, we rode on the merry-go-round. Of course! How could we pass that up?

More proof of our childlike adventure.

One of the little city streets, which all look the same, so I never had any sense of where we were or how to get to any other place.

Windmills! (Sorry Mrs. Ireton, turns out this is the closest thing to a pic of Janelle with tulips and windmills I have. I know we took some, though, so they must be all on her camera.)

Ok, I swear one of those dancing girls was Jenn Slader. Really! Since when do you work at Huis Ten Bosh, Jen!? At least that's what I thought for a second, until I looked at her again, and then I realised it was completely somebody different. Easy mistake to make, though, right?

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