Nagasaki Lantern Festival

Some general random pics of the lantern festival celebrating the Chinese new year in Nagasaki.

The main stage at Minato Park.

One of the streets in China Town, completely filled with people and hundreds of paper lanterns above.

The two people on the right got married in a big ceremony at Minato Park, complete with a big dragon dancing show and a free honeymoon in Singapore.

Another view of the setup at Minato Park, opposite the main stage. Normally this place looks nothing like this, but it was completely transformed for the festival.

Craziest thing ever! What else is there to say?

I think, that one above was Anita's idea. Maybe Timo had something to do with it too...

Little kid jaodori! They're all so small!

One of the big gates into China Town.

Lantern displays shipped straight from China for the festival.


A wall of lanterns out by Chuoubashi, on a bridge crossing the river.

Hamanomachi again.

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