
Back in the spring holidays my old host family (Yoshida) took me down to Unzen for a weekend. It's a big tourist area because the place is just filled with hot springs. Onsens (hot spring baths) are always a big attraction.

A nice little river place. The sakura trees are sort of in bloom, but not quite all the way yet.

This road was lined with sakura trees and ran around through a park and up a bit of a mountain to a temple... except we didn't bother with the walk.

See all that smoke spewing up just about everywhere? That's from all the hot springs around. Good old lava water.

A nice random close up picture of my salad. Why would I bother with a close up picture of my salad? I just thought you guys might like to see the little fishes in there! ("Why is my salad looking at me?")

Tomomi and I at a look-out point something like a thousand metres above sea level. The mountain behind us is a volcano that erupted for something like eight years straight, and kind of had this river-of-lava thing going on straight through the city below.

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